Single number lookup

Area Code(s):

The 1-800-A-CAR LOAN Vanity toll-free number is easy to remember. The phrase Car Loan is a poweful statement in-and-of-itself. With 1-800-A-CAR-LOAN, you are sending the message to your customers that your number is easy to remember and provides a simple, immediate solution.

A Vanity number that is easy to type on the keypad, will increase your Ad Response.

1-800-A-CAR LOAN
1-888-A-CAR LOAN

  • Three Vanity numbers with Vanity-PRO™ Customer Service

Web-PRO™: www.800ACARLOAN.com

  • Banner with link, and text-ad placement
  • Immediate delivery of exclusive internet leads collected from your matching websites.

Ad-PRO™: 3 - TV and Radio ads customized for you

Lead-PRO™: Loan Application Retrieval System - retrieves and catalogues your leads

Track-PRO™: Real-Time internet Ad Tracking System – know your ROI

Record-PRO™: Fast-Track and Target-Train your Sales Staff

Optional Services available at very reasonable prices:

  • Geo-PRO™: Multi-Location Automated Call and Lead Distribution
  • Loan-PRO™: Automated after-hours Loan Application System
  • Loan-PRO PLUS™: Live Operator after hours Loan Application Service